
Daring collectors



This one you are going to see

is mine.

It couldn't have been made of flesh, but of art.

“The hidden comes to light”

Ode to the liberation and flow of each person's fertility,

whether living or inert.

Painting that takes as a canvas a mannequin in which

The artist expresses her declaration of intentions:

To show from the depths

her hidden work.


It is the exhibition debut and the gateway that will give way to showingthe complete works of


which she considers,

as her fertility.

“My offspring is what you are going to see, my legacy.”

Earthly dimension

The representation of blood that expels the ovum has

a meaning associated with life

and the desire for immortal transcendence.

Menstruation is precisely the ability to be fertile even though

when manifested externally,

it is a sign and indicates that a new being has not been conceived.

Divine dimension

The golden chromaticity that surrounds the outline

of the red pigment

symbolizes its sacred character,

since VENUS as a goddess of fertility grants capacity

to have offspring like legacy

in this world.

The hidden comes to light

The basis of female fertility

it is the ovum,

which is hidden inside the body,

comes to light through

this natural process

and in their similarity,

the artist's hidden work will also come out to be seen.

It is not common for the image of menstruation to be shown

as a work of art

to symbolize a concept,

well, this topic is hidden in female reality and in artistic circles.

MR has tried to represent it

with the maximum delicacy, dignity and respect because

we all come from it,

or rather the absence of it

after conception,

in which the union of two parts triggers the miracle

of the creation of a

new living being.

For this reason MR appeals

to the recognition of

the lineage of continuation

created from within us

even though it is inert

because the artistic or

other works of human beings,

they are also its continuity and

they transmit the genes and personality of their author,

doing somehow, that they remain alive after death.


It is a song to liberation and

the flow of each person's fertility,

whether living or inert.

The collector who acquires her work

symbolizes the other half in the conception of the same,

because he identifies with it and makes it his own.




PARIS 2025

International contemporary art fair


Reservations and acquisitions of works: info@martadelrio.com

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